Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Setting up hanging miniature

Live action area for forced perspective actor insert

Miniature Tank team

Full size actor 50/50 mirror set for reduction as miniature hologram

INTERIOR room miniature set up and prep

Miniature WWII tank with forced  perspective actors in the distance

Military advisor

Actors in place for forced perspective placement into miniature tank

Miniature house location

Miniature house prep for "Party on Elm Street" shot

Last minute placement check

Live action area for party action

Aline hanging miniature with full size flat

Setting up hologram elements

Placing hologram miniature actor into position

Fred & Ginger prepare for party action shot

Miniature set with miniature furniture

Final placement of room details

Previewing live action forced perspective party scene through miniature house window

Actors elevated to fit miniature tank hatch opening

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Front surface 50/50 mirror. Forced perspective double exposure in camera composite.